Welcome to Walk about Farms!
Our Names are Fred and Judy, We live in Glencoe and we aree raising Belians and Spotted Drafts. We also have arabs, and
paints. Our mane Focus is to have fun with our lives and do it in an orderly style! We show our 2 soon to be 4
horse hitch at parades and shows.
Fred also enjoys helping his son Rob with his Midas Racing truck # 22 At delwar (don't be a stranger come and watch somtime!).
Judy likes to ride her horse lady penny and help out when she can with the drafts too. she also has her arab Misty who
has recently had a foal "Estar" From the sir "Docs Lil Willie" _"Willie and is happy for once that she made a mistake!!
if you go to the stud page you can see "Estar" and "Willie".